About Us
We are a London based company working with clients in the UK, Europe and US.
About Us
IT Consulting Since 2012
Nueta Ventures is a London-based company, registered in England & Wales. Founded in November 2012, we specialise in web development, hosting and bespoke applications development. Niraj Shah, co-founder and director, has over 10 years of experience in developing web sites and applications. Niraj has developed more than 100 different apps since November 2007, for brands including Paramount Pictures, Nissan, Volvo, MTV, MySpace, GlaxoSmithKline, LOVEFiLM, Samsung, The Guardian, and many more.
After leaving full-time employment in 2012, Niraj setup Nueta Ventures to continue his passion for development and consultancy. As part of Nueta Ventures, Niraj has developed and launched over 30 applications and web sites for a number of clients including Wonga.com, Free:Formers, The Cavendish London, Cage Cricket, Nectar, and other clients.
We serve cleints in London and the surrounding areas, but also work with a number of international clients.
Company Number: 08301043
VAT Number: GB 152 1471 40
Years of experience
Projects completed
Meet the team

Niraj Shah
Director & Webmaster
Niraj is the Managing Director as well as the principle developer. He has over 15 years of experience in developing application and websites.

Hina Shah
Finance Director
Hina is the company Secretary and Finance Director, responsible for the day-to-day running of the business.